Monday, October 28, 2013


in a nightmare where i can only choose ONE make-up tool i would use for the rest of my life, i wouldn't hesitate to say it would be the EYELASH CURLER. I wasn't blessed with thick and long eyebrows, even if my mom said she trimmed my lashes when I was just months old, (an old Filipino belief), it didn't work for me, i'm not sure if it's true for others.

I already owned one since high-school, and it always has been a staple inside my kikay kit. I strongly believe that EVERY girl should own one. it is a MUST HAVE in a kikay kit. I also believe that the lashes make a HUGE impact on your whole look! :)

I never really used to care about what brand on eyelash curler i use, i have been with nichido, fanny serano, all other drugstore and department store brand as long as i had one, it still does it job, anyway. but curiousity got the better of me and i finally gave in to the hype, and discovered how and why SHU UEMURA is the best selling eyelash curler.

first, and foremost, the CURVE. i didn't realize it has such a big difference between my old local curlers, it's bigger! and i don't know how it works, but, it doesn't hurt my cheeks, (when you press on, and it has captured the right curve since we do have cylindrical eyeballs. =P

and it comes with one free replacement rubber in the box, i'll figure out when i'll need to change them.

here are my lashes before anything.. they're flat and straight and not too long.. i already applied naturactor 140+151 on my face and K-Palette BrowEX

SHU UEMURA Classic first!
what i do it hold and press for 20-30 seconds.
release gently. sometimes i tilt it back.

next, my favorite mascara in the world, benefit! They're Real!
see the big difference where i only put it on my right eye vs the left eye :)

i will swear for this mascara! i have been a fan of Maybelline Falsies for a yesr now and i don't regret splurging on this. it lasts me the WHOLE DAY. with no clumping, no running and it just stays put and volumizes and lengthens!!

THEN - the S Curler!


okay, at first i wasn't quite sure what to do. of course you won't finish the job in one "pressing" because you have to work your way around the corners of the eyes where the original can't reach. and amazingly, my lashes can still reach greater heights! i used it around my corners and it still lifted up my lashes.

more control over where i want more lifting

needs a lot of practice!
i'm no expert but it does take a little while to get used to, if you don't have the original, i think it would also take a lot more time to use.

i think of it as the follow-up curler!

i would recommend using it AFTER putting on mascara. 😊

and look!

RIGHT - Shu Uemura Original + benefit! They're Real + Shu Uemura S Curler
LEFT - Shu Uemura Original + benefit! They're Real (WITHOUT S CURLER)

you can really see a difference where i can actually see my upper lid waterline! it just lifts my lashes, up! up! up!

and there, that's me with my lashes! ;) hope u girls enjoyed my first post! 😊

if you wanna grab one for yourself too, u know what to do 💋

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