Monday, February 3, 2014

BROKEN MAKE-UP - Alcohol Fix - Success!

so my friend accidentally dropped her MAC Studio Fix + SPF15 Foundation last night when we went clubbing. it was totally wrecked when we opened it and she just wanted to throw it away. but i said it's still worth saving!

read about this trick on google, even michelle phan did this too! 👍


made it finer with a spoon! dinurog pa ng todo! 
i forgot to tak a photo while mixing, it was too much fun! what i did was add alcohol slowly. careful not to make it too dense. after i got a muddy texture, i covered with cling wrap to press and smoothen

still wet! and then after a few hours-

good as new!!! well, not as smooth and has cracks on the uneven pressing but works just as well as it did before!! still smells like alcohol but all is well!
not drying on my face at all!!

if it bothers you to much, just throw it away! but if it can still be saved, why not! 😊 hope this helps!

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